
Pest Control

We can provide one off treatments or on going routine works for both domestic and commercial clients covering all types of pests. This will include carrying out inspections to identify the pest, identify the cause and identify the ingress points to help us either manage the issue or eradicate it altogether. We try to use as little toxins as possible, but in some cases this is unavoidable but all precautions will be taken based on the surroundings.

Environmental & Decontamination Services

Removal and disposal of contaminated debris such as loft insulation, removal of rodent droppings, carcasses followed by sanitisation of the area.

In some cases external shrubbery can be contributing towards a pest issue and may need to be removed to help deal with the pest infestation.

We can provide disinfection services using fogging and wipe down treatments in all environments for when standard cleaning services are not enough i.e for highly infectious outbreaks such as coronavirus and norovirus.

In some cases EHO may serve a Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notice if they feel there is an imminent risk to consumers. A Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notice can be used to stop the use of processes, premises or equipment so don't under estimate the importance of hygiene in your business premises, call the experts.


Pest proofing is the removal of access points into the building used by pests, which can be anything from sealing a small hole to installing large scale proofing solutions.

Good pest control is not just a case of dealing with the pest currently on site but carrying out the relevant proofing works to reduce or in most cases completely remove the risk of re-infestation altogether.


All birds are protected under the wildlife and countryside act 1981 part 1.

This act makes it an offence to kill, injure or destroy a nest or egg of any wild bird. A single bird or nest could seriously affect your business or your domestic property.

One effective way of dissuading birds and other pests from habituating to an area is via the use of falconry as hawks and falcons are a natural threat to gulls and other birds, the use of hawks in areas the birds use then stops them returning to the site causing nuisance.

With more intense, long standing bird infestations this may be a longer process as some gull infestations can be extremely stubborn but the use of hawks unsettles the gulls during their usual breeding patterns guaranteeing an unsuccessful breeding season.

This should then help to move the gulls on if they feel the area is unsafe to breed in reducing the numbers the following year.

In addition to using birds of prey we also use bird scaring lasers and drones depending on how the individual pest bird colonies react.

Honey Bee removal and relocation

Honey Bees are only really a problem where they are nesting in chimneys and doorway's or in areas near to where a person that's knowingly allergic to bee stings.

As Honey Bee colonies are able to grow to thousands of bees. the sheer weight of a large bee colony can be enough to cause serious structural damage to the walls, chimney and roof in your home.

With the hive growing larger, the mounting pressure can lead to melting wax, honey and bee waste products pushing through the walls, leaving damaging stains on the interior painted and wallpapered surfaces.


For this reason we offer a Honey Bee removal and relocation service where we will carry out an initial survey of where the bees are harbouring, carry out any structural works to access the colony, remove the colony along with all accessible comb and reinstate any structure as required. The bees are then re-homed in one of our company hives where they are cared for year round.