Riddance UK Ltd

At Riddance we believe all of our customers are equal and should be treated with the same respect and professionalism as the next.

For this reason we not only give our commercial clients access to the detailed reports we create through our job app but also offer our domestic customers the same option for complete clarity.

We understand that pest control can be a touchy subject and not every domestic customer wants their neighbours knowing they have a pest problem but that doesn't mean you should suffer in silence.

Call the experts at Riddance and our discrete, professional technicians can attend your property and get to the route cause of the issue and talk you through the process of what's needed to be done to solve your issue.

Having worked for some of the "top pest control companies in the uk" we can safely say our technicians are a different breed to most.

Our technicians take control of the situation in a safe and professional manner whilst ensuring all findings are discussed with the client on site to ensure they understand the full process as it happens.

To us, pest control isn't just throwing poison down to get rid of the pest currently on site but identifying the risks, identifying the route cause, implementing an action plan for proofing any ingress points and actually carrying out that proofing to the highest of standard to remove the risk of future issues.

We do everything we can to ensure you never need to call pest control again.


Using birds of prey to disturb pest bird species on site.


Removal of pest harbourage points such as vegetation close to buildings.


Route cause analysis of why the pest is on site and detailed reporting on how we are going to remove that cause and the pest all in an easy to understand report.


Removal of contaminated loft insulation, debris and rodent droppings then sanitisation of the areas.


Identifying access points used by pests and blocking them up accordingly.


Pest inspections to identify the pest species on site using all of the latest industry best practices.

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